Dr. Cherrie Kwok / 郭明欣


An abbreviated list of courses that I have taught and various pedagogy-related publications, working groups, and awards are below. Outside of my affiliations to various higher education institutions, I also serve as an Associate Editor for Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom, a peer-reviewed publication focused on producing race-conscious curricular materials and lesson plans about the nineteenth century. For instance, my most recent project at UVC involved working with the "Palestine in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries" lesson plan cluster. A full CV is available upon request.


University of Virginia, College of Arts and Sciences

Fall 2024: Instructor of Record, EGMT 1540: Whose Land? Settler Histories, Indigenous Futures

University of Virginia, Department of English

Fall 2019, Spring 2020: Instructor of Record, ENWR 1510 Writing & Critical Inquiry: “Writing about Digital Forms: Instagram, Wikipedia, and Podcasts” (themed undergraduate expository writing course)

University of Virginia, School of Medicine

Summer 2021, Summer 2023: Writing Instructor, Summer Medical Leadership Program (enrichment program for historically underrepresented undergraduates across the United States)

Peer-Reviewed Teaching Publications

“Undisciplining the Dramatic Monologue.” Carolyn Betensky, Melissa Free, Ji Eun Lee, collab. peer revs.; Sophia Hsu, lesson plan cluster dev. Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom, 2021.

“Using Wikipedia in the composition classroom and beyond: Encyclopedic “Neutrality,” Social Inequality, and Failure as Subversion.” The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP). Issue 18. December 2020.

Working Groups

Founder and Co-Director, Teaching Writing and Anti-Racism in the ENWR 1510 Classroom


The Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award in the Arts and Humanities, the Provost and the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Virginia